Spatial Analysis: Protecting Whales

class projects

Using Python, I generate a whale-protecting reduced speeding zone and calculate the impact on shipping for the coast of Dominica.

Scout Leonard true


This blog post is based on an assignment from my Master’s of Environmental Data Science course EDS 223: Spatial Analysis for Environmental Data Science.

Load Libraries

#load libraries 
import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import numpy as np
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

Dominica Outline

In the code chunk below, I define a file path for Dominica spatial data:

input_folder = r"data/dominica"
dominica_shapefile = "dma_admn_adm0_py_s1_dominode_v2.shp"

dominica_fp = os.path.join(input_folder, dominica_shapefile)

Next, I read in the Dominica shapefile using read_file():

dominica_data = gpd.read_file(dominica_fp)

Then I change the CRS from WGS 84 to Dominica 1945 using the function to_crs(). This transforms the CRS to a more accurate geospatial reference system for the region of interest, coastal Dominica:

dominica_2002 = dominica_data.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

Next, I plot the outline of Dominica to explore and check that the output is expected:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3), dpi=200)

dominica_2002.plot(ax = ax, color = 'green')

Whale Sighting Data

Next, I define the file path for whale sighting spatial data:

sightings_input_folder = r"data"
sightings_csv = "sightings2005_2018.csv"

sightings_fp = os.path.join(sightings_input_folder, sightings_csv)

Read file using read_file():

sightings_data = gpd.read_file(sightings_fp)

Bootstrap the geometries:

sightings_points = gpd.points_from_xy(sightings_data['Long'], sightings_data['Lat'])

Project the dataset into a Geo Data Frame with the appropriate CRS:

sightings_gdf_4326 = gpd.GeoDataFrame(sightings_data, geometry=sightings_points, crs = 'EPSG:4326')
sightings_gdf_2002 = sightings_gdf_4326.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

Create Grid

Define the grid’s boundaries:

minx, miny, maxx, maxy = sightings_gdf_2002.total_bounds

Define the grid’s cell size, in meters:

cell_size = 2000
xs = np.arange(minx, maxx, cell_size)
ys = np.arange(miny, maxy, cell_size)
def make_cell(x, y, cell_size):
    ring = [
        (x, y),
        (x + cell_size, y),
        (x + cell_size, y + cell_size),
        (x, y + cell_size)
    cell = Polygon(ring)
    return cell
cells = []
for x in xs:
    for y in ys:
        cell = make_cell(x, y, cell_size)

Create a grid GeoDataFrame, containing a cell for each row:

grid = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': cells}, crs=2002)

Plot the grid to see how it looks:

We adjust the figure size so the cells are more visible than in the default grid:

grid.boundary.plot(figsize = (10,20))

Extract Whale Habitat

Spatially join whale sightings data with grid data to get whale counts per grid cell:

sightings_with_grid = grid.sjoin(sightings_gdf_2002, how="inner")
geometry index_right field_1 GPStime Lat Long
124 POLYGON ((408480.652 1780792.746, 410480.652 1… 4327 4327 2018-03-15 06:41:03 16.127 -61.896866
124 POLYGON ((408480.652 1780792.746, 410480.652 1… 4328 4328 2018-03-15 06:44:05 16.127666 -61.900766
124 POLYGON ((408480.652 1780792.746, 410480.652 1… 4329 4329 2018-03-15 06:58:17 16.1305 -61.903366
125 POLYGON ((408480.652 1782792.746, 410480.652 1… 4330 4330 2018-03-15 07:15:33 16.139583 -61.900116
125 POLYGON ((408480.652 1782792.746, 410480.652 1… 4331 4331 2018-03-15 07:17:30 16.14175 -61.897716
5133 POLYGON ((484480.652 1690792.746, 486480.652 1… 1147 1147 2008-05-04 16:59:36 15.304085 -61.194134
5134 POLYGON ((484480.652 1692792.746, 486480.652 1… 1148 1148 2008-05-04 17:43:45 15.321439 -61.19188
5985 POLYGON ((498480.652 1532792.746, 500480.652 1… 609 609 2005-03-20 11:50:05 13.86967067 -61.0794355
5985 POLYGON ((498480.652 1532792.746, 500480.652 1… 611 611 2005-03-20 12:56:58 13.86967067 -61.0794355
5985 POLYGON ((498480.652 1532792.746, 500480.652 1… 610 610 2005-03-20 12:05:10 13.86967067 -61.0794355

4893 rows × 6 columns

Plot the Grid Cells with Whale Counts:

sightings_with_grid.plot(figsize = (10,20))

To ge the count of sightings in each cell, we have to perform a so called map-reduce operation using groupby and count. This is added to the Geo Data Frame as a new column:

grid['count'] = sightings_with_grid.groupby(sightings_with_grid.index).count()['index_right']
geometry count
0 POLYGON ((408480.652 1532792.746, 410480.652 1… NaN
1 POLYGON ((408480.652 1534792.746, 410480.652 1… NaN
2 POLYGON ((408480.652 1536792.746, 410480.652 1… NaN
3 POLYGON ((408480.652 1538792.746, 410480.652 1… NaN
4 POLYGON ((408480.652 1540792.746, 410480.652 1… NaN
6113 POLYGON ((498480.652 1788792.746, 500480.652 1… NaN
6114 POLYGON ((498480.652 1790792.746, 500480.652 1… NaN
6115 POLYGON ((498480.652 1792792.746, 500480.652 1… NaN
6116 POLYGON ((498480.652 1794792.746, 500480.652 1… NaN
6117 POLYGON ((498480.652 1796792.746, 500480.652 1… NaN

6118 rows × 2 columns

Subset grid df to cells with more than 20 sightings:

grid_20 = grid[grid['count'] > 20]
grid_20_union = grid_20.unary_union

Next we create a convex hull using the sightings we joined with unary_union to generate the “whale habitat”:

habitat_convex_hull = grid_20_union.convex_hull

Convert the habitat convex hull polygon to a Geo Data Frame:

convex_hull_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(crs = 'EPSG:2002', geometry = [habitat_convex_hull])
ax = convex_hull_gdf.plot(color = 'y')

dominica_2002.plot(ax = ax, figsize = (10,20))

Vessel Data

Load Data

Define file path for AIS vessel data:

ais_input_folder = r"data"
ais_csv = "station1249.csv"

ais_fp = os.path.join(ais_input_folder, ais_csv)

Read file using read_file():

ais_data = gpd.read_file(ais_fp)

Bootstrap the geometries:

ais_points = gpd.points_from_xy(ais_data['LON'], ais_data['LAT'])
ais_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(ais_data, geometry=ais_points, crs = 'EPSG:4326')

Project to the Dominica 1945 CRS:

ais_gdf = ais_gdf.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

The character strings in TIMESTAMP are not in a recognized datetime format. We parse those strings here:

0        2015-05-22 13:53:26
1        2015-05-22 13:52:57
2        2015-05-22 13:52:32
3        2015-05-22 13:52:24
4        2015-05-22 13:51:23
617257   2015-05-21 21:34:59
617258   2015-05-21 21:34:55
617259   2015-05-21 21:34:46
617260   2015-05-21 21:34:46
617261   2015-05-21 21:34:45
Name: TIMESTAMP, Length: 617262, dtype: datetime64[ns]

Parse strings of the TIMESTAMP column to a recognized datetime format:

ais_gdf['TIMESTAMP'] = pd.to_datetime(ais_gdf['TIMESTAMP'])

Calculate Distance and Speed

Spatially subset vessel data using whale habitat data:

habitat_ais_gdf = ais_gdf.sjoin(convex_hull_gdf, how = 'inner')

Sort the dataframe by MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity), the vessel’s unique identifier.

habitat_ais_sorted = habitat_ais_gdf.sort_values(['MMSI', 'TIMESTAMP'])

Create a copy of our dataframe and shift each observation down one row using shift().

habitat_ais_copy = habitat_ais_sorted.copy()
field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right
235025 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0
235018 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0
235000 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0
234989 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0
234984 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0
259103 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0
259094 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0
258954 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0
258930 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0
258206 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0

167411 rows × 7 columns

Shift each observation down one row in our copied ship dataframe:

habitat_ais_copy = habitat_ais_copy.shift(periods = 1)
field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right
235025 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaT None NaN
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0

167411 rows × 7 columns

Join original dataframe with shifted copy using join():

ais_joined = habitat_ais_copy.join(habitat_ais_gdf, how = 'left', lsuffix = '_2', sort = False)
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right
235025 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaT None NaN 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0

167411 rows × 14 columns

Next, we are looking to examine distances traveled by ships using their AIS data per row, so we eliminate rows in which MMSI for ship 1 and 2 are not the same to align the data:

ais_joined = ais_joined[ais_joined['MMSI_2'] == ais_joined['MMSI']]
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0
234972 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0.0 234972 203106200 -61.41851 15.24147 2015-02-25 15:54:49 POINT (461476.997 1684389.925) 0
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0

166255 rows × 14 columns

Set the geometry for our joined data frame:

ais_joined = ais_joined.set_geometry(ais_joined['geometry'])

Reproject to Dominica 1945 as our CRS:

ais_joined = ais_joined.to_crs("EPSG:2002")

Add a column in which we calculate the distance traveled between the first and second geometry:

ais_joined['distance'] = ais_joined['geometry'].distance(ais_joined['geometry_2'])
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right distance
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0 497.209041
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0 1373.116137
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0 995.792381
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0 323.533223
234972 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0.0 234972 203106200 -61.41851 15.24147 2015-02-25 15:54:49 POINT (461476.997 1684389.925) 0 430.317090
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0 13.315561
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0 13.766128
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0 69.619301
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0 70.438502
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0 30.241849

166255 rows × 15 columns

Add a column in which we calculate the time passed as ships traveled between the first and second geometry:

ais_joined['time_passed'] = abs(ais_joined['TIMESTAMP'] - ais_joined['TIMESTAMP_2'])
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right distance time_passed
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0 497.209041 0 days 00:02:30
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0 1373.116137 0 days 00:07:29
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0 995.792381 0 days 00:05:00
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0 323.533223 0 days 00:02:31
234972 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0.0 234972 203106200 -61.41851 15.24147 2015-02-25 15:54:49 POINT (461476.997 1684389.925) 0 430.317090 0 days 00:04:59
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0 13.315561 0 days 00:05:59
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0 13.766128 0 days 00:04:24
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0 69.619301 0 days 00:56:03
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0 70.438502 0 days 00:11:42
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0 30.241849 0 days 04:08:41

166255 rows × 16 columns

Next, we convert the time passed to seconds for the purpose of calculating speed using the commands time_delta and total_seconds:

ais_joined['time_seconds'] = pd.to_timedelta(ais_joined.time_passed, errors='coerce').dt.total_seconds()
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right distance time_passed time_seconds
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0 497.209041 0 days 00:02:30 150.0
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0 1373.116137 0 days 00:07:29 449.0
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0 995.792381 0 days 00:05:00 300.0
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0 323.533223 0 days 00:02:31 151.0
234972 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0.0 234972 203106200 -61.41851 15.24147 2015-02-25 15:54:49 POINT (461476.997 1684389.925) 0 430.317090 0 days 00:04:59 299.0
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0 13.315561 0 days 00:05:59 359.0
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0 13.766128 0 days 00:04:24 264.0
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0 69.619301 0 days 00:56:03 3363.0
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0 70.438502 0 days 00:11:42 702.0
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0 30.241849 0 days 04:08:41 14921.0

166255 rows × 17 columns

Then, we add a column for speed, which is calculated by dividing the distance travelled by the time in seconds:

ais_joined_2['avg_speed_mps'] = ais_joined_2['distance'] / ais_joined_2['time_seconds'] 
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry distance time_passed time_seconds avg_speed time_for_10_knots time_difference avg_speed_mps
511094 132562 1184 -61.30541 14.79982 2015-07-21 12:27:51 POINT (473775.169 1635578.904) 132559 1184 -61.39245 14.90217 2015-07-21 12:30:31 POINT (464378.762 1646871.313) 14690.505921 0 days 00:02:40 160.0 91.815662 285.563057 125.563057 91.815662
511090 132559 1184 -61.39245 14.90217 2015-07-21 12:30:31 POINT (464378.762 1646871.313) 132555 1184 -61.48131 15.00648 2015-07-21 12:33:12 POINT (454794.970 1658383.473) 14979.281904 0 days 00:02:41 161.0 93.039018 291.176462 130.176462 93.039018
511087 132555 1184 -61.48131 15.00648 2015-07-21 12:33:12 POINT (454794.970 1658383.473) 132552 1184 -61.54865 15.08558 2015-07-21 12:35:12 POINT (447538.279 1667115.779) 11353.974711 0 days 00:02:00 120.0 94.616456 220.705519 100.705519 94.616456
511084 132552 1184 -61.54865 15.08558 2015-07-21 12:35:12 POINT (447538.279 1667115.779) 132549 1184 -61.61598 15.1644 2015-07-21 12:37:12 POINT (440288.034 1675819.254) 11327.688520 0 days 00:02:00 120.0 94.397404 220.194552 100.194552 94.397404
511082 132549 1184 -61.61598 15.1644 2015-07-21 12:37:12 POINT (440288.034 1675819.254) 132547 1184 -61.6842 15.2442 2015-07-21 12:39:12 POINT (432947.398 1684633.140) 11470.375572 0 days 00:02:00 120.0 95.586463 222.968190 102.968190 95.586463
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 70.438502 0 days 00:11:42 702.0 0.100340 1.369227 -700.630773 0.100340
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 30.241849 0 days 04:08:41 14921.0 0.002027 0.587860 -14920.412140 0.002027
148161 148164 999000000 -61.33341 14.71754 2015-03-23 09:50:22 POINT (470789.272 1626469.836) 148161 999000000 -61.329 14.71341 2015-03-23 09:52:12 POINT (471265.334 1626014.478) 658.775338 0 days 00:01:50 110.0 5.988867 12.805679 -97.194321 5.988867
148155 148161 999000000 -61.329 14.71341 2015-03-23 09:52:12 POINT (471265.334 1626014.478) 148155 999000000 -61.32005 14.70516 2015-03-23 09:55:51 POINT (472231.502 1625104.938) 1326.930261 0 days 00:03:39 219.0 6.059042 25.793684 -193.206316 6.059042
148152 148155 999000000 -61.32005 14.70516 2015-03-23 09:55:51 POINT (472231.502 1625104.938) 148152 999000000 -61.31433 14.6998 2015-03-23 09:58:12 POINT (472849.053 1624514.001) 854.737548 0 days 00:02:21 141.0 6.061968 16.614912 -124.385088 6.061968

615312 rows × 19 columns

To calculate the time it would take each vessel to cover the distance they did if their speed were changed to 10 knots, we converted nautical miles to meters in order to find the time in seconds it would take each vessel to do this.

m_per_nm = 1852

ais_joined['time_for_10_knots'] = (ais_joined['distance'] * 60 * 60) / (m_per_nm * 10)
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right distance time_passed time_seconds time_for_10_knots time_difference
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0 497.209041 0 days 00:02:30 150.0 96.649706 -140.334946
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0 1373.116137 0 days 00:07:29 449.0 266.912424 -422.308527
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0 995.792381 0 days 00:05:00 300.0 193.566553 -280.643177
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0 323.533223 0 days 00:02:31 151.0 62.889827 -144.710963
234972 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0.0 234972 203106200 -61.41851 15.24147 2015-02-25 15:54:49 POINT (461476.997 1684389.925) 0 430.317090 0 days 00:04:59 299.0 83.646951 -290.635233
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0 13.315561 0 days 00:05:59 359.0 2.588338 -358.741164
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0 13.766128 0 days 00:04:24 264.0 2.675921 -263.732406
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0 69.619301 0 days 00:56:03 3363.0 13.532909 -3361.646697
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0 70.438502 0 days 00:11:42 702.0 13.692149 -700.630773
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0 30.241849 0 days 04:08:41 14921.0 5.878545 -14920.412140

166255 rows × 19 columns

To find the difference between the time that it actually took and how much it would have taken at 10 knots, we subtracted the time it actually took from the time it would have taken the vessels under 10 knots.

ais_joined['time_difference'] = ais_joined['time_for_10_knots'] - ais_joined['time_seconds']
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right distance time_passed time_seconds time_for_10_knots time_difference
235018 235025 203106200 -61.40929 15.21021 2015-02-25 15:32:20 POINT (462476.396 1680935.224) 0.0 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0 497.209041 0 days 00:02:30 150.0 96.649706 -53.350294
235000 235018 203106200 -61.41107 15.21436 2015-02-25 15:34:50 POINT (462283.995 1681393.698) 0.0 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0 1373.116137 0 days 00:07:29 449.0 266.912424 -182.087576
234989 235000 203106200 -61.41427 15.22638 2015-02-25 15:42:19 POINT (461936.769 1682722.187) 0.0 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0 995.792381 0 days 00:05:00 300.0 193.566553 -106.433447
234984 234989 203106200 -61.41553 15.2353 2015-02-25 15:47:19 POINT (461798.818 1683708.377) 0.0 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0 323.533223 0 days 00:02:31 151.0 62.889827 -88.110173
234972 234984 203106200 -61.41687 15.23792 2015-02-25 15:49:50 POINT (461654.150 1683997.765) 0.0 234972 203106200 -61.41851 15.24147 2015-02-25 15:54:49 POINT (461476.997 1684389.925) 0 430.317090 0 days 00:04:59 299.0 83.646951 -215.353049
259103 259118 983191049 -61.38323 15.29282 2015-02-19 19:44:46 POINT (465249.261 1690079.703) 0.0 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0 13.315561 0 days 00:05:59 359.0 2.588338 -356.411662
259094 259103 983191049 -61.38322 15.2927 2015-02-19 19:50:45 POINT (465250.372 1690066.434) 0.0 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0 13.766128 0 days 00:04:24 264.0 2.675921 -261.324079
258954 259094 983191049 -61.38328 15.29259 2015-02-19 19:55:09 POINT (465243.965 1690054.249) 0.0 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0 69.619301 0 days 00:56:03 3363.0 13.532909 -3349.467091
258930 258954 983191049 -61.38344 15.2932 2015-02-19 20:51:12 POINT (465226.597 1690121.667) 0.0 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0 70.438502 0 days 00:11:42 702.0 13.692149 -688.307851
258206 258930 983191049 -61.38329 15.29258 2015-02-19 21:02:54 POINT (465242.895 1690053.140) 0.0 258206 983191049 -61.38301 15.29255 2015-02-20 01:11:35 POINT (465272.964 1690049.908) 0 30.241849 0 days 04:08:41 14921.0 5.878545 -14915.121455

166255 rows × 19 columns

Next, we took all measurements in the time_difference column > 0 to give us the vessels that actually travelled and therefor had positive time values.

fast_ships = ais_joined[ais_joined['time_difference'] > 0]
field_1_2 MMSI_2 LON_2 LAT_2 TIMESTAMP_2 geometry_2 index_right_2 field_1 MMSI LON LAT TIMESTAMP geometry index_right distance time_passed time_seconds time_for_10_knots time_difference
53218 53227 203106200 -61.42602 15.35828 2015-04-26 16:04:15 POINT (460636.434 1697307.052) 0.0 53218 203106200 -61.41927 15.34898 2015-04-26 16:08:16 POINT (461363.603 1696280.393) 0 1258.095562 0 days 00:04:01 241.0 244.554213 3.554213
84957 84977 203518400 -61.51328 15.39394 2015-04-14 17:28:32 POINT (451262.879 1701228.097) 0.0 84957 203518400 -61.51546 15.41408 2015-04-14 17:35:26 POINT (451023.962 1703455.061) 0 2239.743578 0 days 00:06:54 414.0 435.371322 21.371322
39279 39284 205531510 -61.40996 15.34549 2015-05-02 18:24:17 POINT (462363.849 1695897.095) 0.0 39279 205531510 -61.40981 15.3516 2015-05-02 18:26:15 POINT (462378.106 1696572.914) 0 675.968930 0 days 00:01:58 118.0 131.397848 13.397848
139303 139308 205571000 -61.51243 15.33665 2015-03-26 09:35:06 POINT (451368.368 1694892.030) 0.0 139303 205571000 -61.50684 15.33412 2015-03-26 09:37:06 POINT (451968.978 1694613.570) 0 662.020878 0 days 00:02:00 120.0 128.686564 8.686564
139301 139303 205571000 -61.50684 15.33412 2015-03-26 09:37:06 POINT (451968.978 1694613.570) 0.0 139301 205571000 -61.50115 15.33156 2015-03-26 09:39:06 POINT (452580.343 1694331.833) 0 673.159437 0 days 00:02:00 120.0 130.851726 10.851726
450065 71532 775907000 -61.41703 15.26152 2015-08-31 15:22:58 POINT (461629.985 1686607.886) 0.0 71530 775907000 -61.41251 15.26938 2015-08-31 15:25:58 POINT (462112.948 1687478.511) 0 995.610920 0 days 00:03:00 180.0 193.531280 13.531280
450061 71530 775907000 -61.41251 15.26938 2015-08-31 15:25:58 POINT (462112.948 1687478.511) 0.0 71526 775907000 -61.40833 15.27759 2015-08-31 15:28:58 POINT (462559.266 1688387.759) 0 1012.882607 0 days 00:03:00 180.0 196.888628 16.888628
450059 71526 775907000 -61.40833 15.27759 2015-08-31 15:28:58 POINT (462559.266 1688387.759) 0.0 71524 775907000 -61.40408 15.28582 2015-08-31 15:31:59 POINT (463013.057 1689299.250) 0 1018.205189 0 days 00:03:01 181.0 197.923255 16.923255
450056 71524 775907000 -61.40408 15.28582 2015-08-31 15:31:59 POINT (463013.057 1689299.250) 0.0 71521 775907000 -61.39967 15.29361 2015-08-31 15:34:59 POINT (463484.122 1690162.135) 0 983.093306 0 days 00:03:00 180.0 191.098051 11.098051
172907 172921 982358863 -61.40942 15.35087 2015-03-14 16:04:52 POINT (462420.182 1696492.289) 0.0 172907 982358863 -61.40751 15.34122 2015-03-14 16:08:23 POINT (462628.091 1695425.545) 0 1086.815697 0 days 00:03:31 211.0 211.260071 0.260071

21246 rows × 19 columns

Finally, we summed up all of the time differences which represents our approximation to the impact on shipping (in terms of increased travel time) of a 10-knot reduced-speed zone in our identified whale habitat.

seconds_lost = fast_ships['time_difference'].sum()
days_lost = seconds_lost / (60 * 60 * 24)

We can see from our calculations that a 10-knot reduced-speed zone would amount to a total of 27.89 day impact on shipping. While this number is may seem large, it is simply the total amount of time this reduction would cause across all vessels. In order to advocate for this regulation, it might be best to took at the additional time added to each invidudal vessel which we would expect be much lower overall.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Leonard (2022, March 22). Scout Leonard (she/her): Spatial Analysis: Protecting Whales. Retrieved from

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  author = {Leonard, Scout},
  title = {Scout Leonard (she/her): Spatial Analysis: Protecting Whales},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}